23 February 2011

Miss Fussy eater!

Genevieve is up to her old tricks...not finishing all her food. She's certainly not her Mom's child in this respect ;)
First of all she seems to have a very sensitive stomach, but even when it's all 100% she sometimes still refuses to eat all her pellets even though her ribs are starting to show! :(

Where's that ball, I wanna play fetch!
She's growing up so quickly... and getting a little on the lean side :(

I am trying everything I can think of - short of feeding her out of my hand, which she will gladly do by the way!... So she will eat it, she's just not interested in eating it out of her bowl on her own! I am not too certain what to do about this and have written to an expert or 2 for some advice and ideas, since the problem pops up every now and then and I'm quite sure this won't be the last of it.

Her tummy was VERY upset on Tuesday, with a major toilet "Accident" resulting in the braai room (don't really want to let Hunny find out about it yet...), but that was due to a fatty piece of rawhide that I gave her on Monday. Apparently rawhides (and dried pig's ears) can have this effect on some dogs. So I jumped on the web and searched for solutions. I found several and decided to skip her 4pm meal and then gave her a cooked sweet-potato (which she LOVED) and then 2 tbsp cooked sticky rice and chicken with her puppy pellets for breakfast and supper. It worked and all seemed well, until this afternoon when she left more than half her pellets uneaten. She would eagerly eat them out of my hand, like sweets, but I couldn't get her to eat them from her bowl??
She has become VERY active and extra playful the past 2 weeks, so she's probably burning more calories... but I was hoping to increase her rations as soon as she eats all her food, but now she doesn't finish up even the small amount I've been giving her per day since we got her (at 8 wks). She's already 11wks old... and thin! I'm not sure what to do? She gets Eukanuba large breed puppy pellets 4 times a day and 3 tbsp chicken& rice or Hills Science diet canned puppy food with breakfast and supper.
I read something somewhere about giving some maple syrup to increase her appetite... not so convinced about that! I also thought of increasing her morning and evening meals when it's not so hot outside and she gets some chicken & rice or canned food... since she always finishes those 2 meals. Anybody with ideas/advice? I could probably feed her only 3 times a day, but I'm trying to get her to eat much more than she currently does, so thinking that it will be better to feed more often?

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