04 September 2011

Pride, resistance and imperfection

So, it's 10:30pm and I'm standing in the kitchen, making puppy stew ;) with pork mince and goulash - what a spoiled poopy. It's a lot of extra effort I guess, but I just love doing it! And our puppy made me so proud today - twice! First of all she was doing great at the show training classes - didn't growl or act silly once and she did everything the way she should PLUS she stood like a PRO! While we prepared for the show pose a hadeda shouted in the distance. Jenni's ears picked up and then I said "where's the bird?" BIRD!!? She was looking straight in front of her, poised, ready to run, but frozen like a hunting dog - PERFECTION!! Everyone who knew anything about showing was VERY impressed :) Ahhh :) so Proud of our baby!
The second even more proud moment was when Hunny's nieces came to visit and our little hooligan at some stage realised they were small and stood dead quiet for a hug and kiss from the 2 girls - it was SO precious. She just stood there, all frozen,submissive - totally CALM...?? How did this happen?? She was a star and the kids stroked her for several minutes! I have very rarely seen her standing still for such a long time. It was just too sweet!
The other news for the week is that we will finally be getting some chickens!! Hunny agreed that we can keep a few pet chickens to help with pest control. And just to be cute :) and so we got our chicken coop today! It's looking very smart if I dare say. Now the little mission of finding the best chickens: this is harder than you imagine, because I always want something rare and kind of special. We will only be able to keep about 4 or 5 chooks, so I must choose wisely! I actually do have my eye on 2 very VERY cute little chicks at a closeby nursery, but the owner doesn't want to sell them... hmmm, will have to make some sort of plan to convince her!!!
One VERY important aspect about myself that I just realised is that I seem to enjoy the resistance I get from life. I enjoy solving problems and working against resistance of some kind - it energises me! Bottom line is: I like to struggle. If things are too easy I loose interest, I enjoy a challenge and lean toward breaking with traditions - which all goes with a LOT of resistance! But it's much more entertaining and interesting. So, inevitably I make life harder for myself than it essentially has to be and I guess in some weird twisted way I enjoy it.
In a way this is a rather bad characteristic - since it tends to create more drama, more difficulty and attracts more resistance from the rest of the world - which sometimes makes me very nervous/ anxious. But, it could also be useful since life isn't all that easy and most of the time offers a significant amount of resistance all by itself, so I am hoping this aspect of my personality be the key to my success in business!? 
I just am like this and I suppose the easiest way to cope with it is to see it as an asset and make the best of it, use it as an advantage. Few things in life are really that great if you haven't worked hard for it and in this way I can incorporate the negative feedback or resistances in life as part of my strategy or as an expected part of the process!! Hopefully it would assist me in being better prepared... hmmmm?
Back to other things; as I should have expected, Shala still hasn't been moved to her new evening paddock yet :P It's just so typical of life, especially here in SA. People just aren't that sorted. I'm not proclaiming to be THE most organised person myself either - but some ppl are even worse. I guess my 1/4 German blood makes me a little bit more productive and driven, but that is sometimes a little bit of a disadvantage in our country... because it drives me up the wall when other people take so for ever to get simple things done! It's one of my "faults" I guess, being rather impatient (#Note: in a South African context), I do believe for example that expecting builders to finish with a simple snag list in 1 or 2 months is reasonable... but NOT for this country!! Clearly NOT! It is now September and we are still waiting for door locks, plaster and other such simple things to be fixed since April/May this year!!
This just gets to me! I want everything to happen yesterday!! Whenever I come up with a new idea or project I want it done NOW! I get so frustrated when things take longer than I think they have to - it's especially frustrating when a project depends on other people to complete (can you tell I'm not a good team player). This is why the still incomplete building snag list is driving me up the wall! :(
BUT - acceptance is the key. I guess I will have to accept that certain things just have to remain imperfect! Unfortunately. I guess I also don't do my regular job as perfectly as I should so why expect other people to do theirs perfectly! Hmmmm...
At least I am very much looking forward to hunting for the near-perfect little chickens! :) <3

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