Not quite there yet...
Our very first little chicken eggs have hatched and the poor dog is fixated with them, drooling over these delicious creatures with intense focus on her face. Quite mini feathery snacks...
Meet Ping... :)
One of the little ones unfortunately didn't make it :( despite efforts to revive it. I put it in the oven (No, not for eating), but the poor little critter was all cold and not strong enough, it was so sad - was such a beautiful little fluffball. Hunny will have to adjust the coop somewhat so that it doesn't get wet inside the nest anymore. After I finally decided to throw the little corps in the dirt bin I couldn't help myself but to have a look every few minutes to see whether Lazarus perhaps miraculously revived, but alas. I must have peeked into the bin about 5 times throughout the afternoon and once in the evening :(
Katrien has been banished to the garden, outside the coop, because she's a "geniepsige" little cow and has been pecking at the new babies... I saw the little fluffs flying in all direction and then I lost it - so I tossed her out of the coop and I don't give a sh!t if the cats eat her up. Funny enough the other 2 silky chickens haven't been bothered by the new babies at all. At least Katrien isn't all helpless, I saw her roosting up in the tree later the eve ;) very interesting - she's not at all helpless it seems.
On the garden front: sheesh! the place is looking more neglected by the day. Our gardener only arrives back from Zim today, so he will (hopefully) be back at his station tomorrow. I asked him to come Friday as well, 'cause there's just way too much to do!
Oh yes - and Jenn's "Charlie" has been ripped to shreds and she clearly has no more fear/ respect of it... so much for some form of backup discipline... guess I'll have to resort to the water spray bottle again?
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